Many people value beautiful skin. In addition to environmental influences and stress, nutrition also has a major impact on the appearance of our largest organ – in a few cases, unfortunately, negatively. A lot of people dream of flawless skin. With countless beauty products you should be able to quickly conceal or get rid of blemishes. Many people forget an important aspect: nutrition. The foods we eat not only affect our figure, but also the health of our hair, fingernails and skin. There are some foods that you should avoid for the most part if you want to avoid blemishes, spots, or premature wrinkles.

For Beautiful Skin: You Should Avoid These 8 Foods
Ready Meals/Fast Food
Nice and greasy and salty: two reasons why fast food is so addictive and tastes delicious. Unfortunately, there are also the reasons why our blood sugar levels are skyrocketing. In addition, the high salt content robs the body of moisture, which in turn leads to a sallow complexion. In addition, the fat promotes pimples, as the sebum production of the skin is stimulated. Fried foods in particular inhibit the body’s natural metabolism, which in turn leads to less oxygen in the blood and ultimately wrinkles.
Did you know that we consume around 40 kilograms of sugar a year? In the long run, the refined sugar weakens the immune system, which promotes inflammation and impurities. In addition, too much sugar inhibits the formation of collagen and elastin, both important proteins that make our skin firm and supple.
Agave Syrup
While agave nectar is hailed in numerous recipes as the best substitute for refined sugar, the sweetener is not very good for our skin. It contains concentrated fructose, which is metabolized by the liver and unfortunately attacks our collagen stores. This encourages small wrinkles.
Milk’s high levels of hormones lead to excess sebum production, which in turn clogs pores and can lead to breakouts.
A headache isn’t the only side effect alcohol has on our bodies. Our skin is deprived of moisture by drinks containing alcohol. And here, too, there is a lot of hidden sugar, which, as described above, promotes skin aging. Incidentally, the infamous adfs schnapps nose comes from the fact that alcohol dilates the blood vessels.
We know from personal experience how hard it can be to shake off coffee addiction, but an overdose of caffeine also robs skin of moisture. This reduces collagen production, which affects the elasticity of the skin. If you can even limit your coffee consumption, you should always remember to drink enough water!
Of course we don’t mean the healthy version with fresh fruit and unsweetened almond milk. Much sneakier are the ready-made smoothies from the supermarket, which are just bursting with refined sugar. As described above, this causes the blood sugar level to rise, which causes our skin to age prematurely.
Healthy Muesli
Basically, the glycemic index (the effect of a carbohydrate-containing food on the blood sugar level) is lower for whole grain products than for white flour products. Unfortunately, many muesli mixtures often contain a lot of refined sugar