Style Hacks That Every Guy Must Know

Published on 07/20/2022

Life is challenging. It’s amazing we have any time for sleep or the mental ability to remember our underpants between getting along with your boss, having a social life, paying your rent on time, and overall just being a grown-ass adult.

Even dressing well requires time and money. We’ve put together a list of ways you can save money without compromising even a little bit of style in order to save you a little bit of both.

These are the fashion tips that all men should be aware of. Put on some underpants as a first step…

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Style Hacks That Every Guy Must Know


Roll Your Sleeves

Even while you might spend a lot of time figuring out how to adhere to a dress code exactly, it’s important to keep in mind that frequently it’s the little details that make or break an outfit.

The main offender is a shirt with unkemptly rolled sleeves. They not only give the impression that you are going to engage in combat with a clogged toilet, but they will also frequently lose their shape and fall back down your forearms. Use the marine’s approach for a clean roll.

– Start by unbuttoning cuffs and fully expanding sleeves.
– Turn the sleeve inside out by bending it at the cuff and curling it upward and over itself.
– Make sure there are no creases by straightening the rolled cuff’s bottom and top.
– Repeat the procedure as necessary, folding your arm gradually up to the appropriate height.

Keep Your Knits Neat

Knitwear bobbles, in our opinion—we’re looking at you, bootcut jeans—are an atonement for one or more fashion sins.

Because they are the result of surface fibers on the fabric being tangled together, they are a certain way to make a jumper look like it is about to be thrown away.

To restore your garment’s natural nap, use a Sweater Stone, a pumice-like stone that peels away from the troublesome clumps (the raised fuzzy surface on your knit). Instead, if you find yourself in a tight spot, raid the medicine cupboard. A disposable razor can be used for either of these chores, but you should use caution because the blades could damage delicate fibers.

Match Your Socks

Even the best-fitting suit pants can be completely undone by a flash of novelty socks, even how small (and mostly out of sight) they may be.

Stock up on styles that go with what you typically wear to quit playing a game of chance with your underwear collection. In general, try to match the color of your socks to the color of your pants (a shade darker or lighter works, too).

For more experienced players, choose a contrasting color that complements your choice of shoe and trouser rather than outright clashing with them.

Fix Creases With Ice Cubes

Even if Messrs. Clooney and Downey Jr. have fine creases that give their faces personality, a stray wrinkle on a shirt may make even an A-lister look less than stellar.

Try throwing your shirt in the dryer with a few ice cubes as an alternative to hanging it in a steamy shower, which takes forever and wastes water. The ice cubes melt into steam when the machine is run on the hottest setting, easing the creases and leaving your shirt smooth and clean.

Use a maximum of two to three ice cubes and make sure to only run a few shirts, or a shirt and a pair of pants, at a time. Don’t be overbearing.

Swap Hair Gel For Moisturizer

Using practically any kind of hair product has two possible drawbacks, despite how easy it is to create the ideal quiff.

The first is that it can make you look too much like Nick Carter from the 1990s if you use it excessively. The second is that repeated use of the chemicals without thorough washing might deplete your hair of its natural oils, leaving it straw-dry.

Try using some hand or face moisturizer to shape your hair and keep it moisturized and frizz-free, provided your typical style doesn’t call for a cement-like grip. A pea-sized amount, rubbed between your palms, will do. But not too much.

Photograph Your Labels

When purchasing clothing online, it pays to be careful (and sober) unless you want a bunch of uncomfortable jeans. Every time you find anything you like that fits exactly, take a quick photo of the label with your phone and save it in an album for later use because the cuts and measurements at different brands frequently change greatly. This will not only make replenishing your wardrobe essentials a snap, but it will also make it easier for a store employee to steer you toward a replacement if your go-to Oxford shirt stops being made or gets a new name.